Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

If you’re like most people, when you finally decide to lose weight, you want to do it in a few weeks. If you only have a few pounds to lose, that’s possible, but for most people, it’s the weight they gained over years of poor lifestyle habits. In order to maximize your potential to take weight off and prevent it from returning, your weight loss goal need to be realistic. While it’s possible to lose several pounds in a few days, that weight loss is normally water weight and not permanent. Permanent weight loss is all about changing your eating habits and getting more active.

Start by identifying your ideal weight.

If you’re six feet tall and weigh 140-pounds, you don’t need to lose weight no matter what your gender. A quick way to do that is by using a BMI chart. For the 6-foot person weighing 140, their BMI is 19, close to underweight. However, if you’re the same height and weigh 191, your BMI is 25, which is overweight. Once you find what your ideal weight for your height, age, gender and build is, identify how much weight you need to lose.

Set weekly goals by dividing the number of pounds by two.

Losing one to two pounds a week is a healthy goal. It gives your body a chance to adjust and allows you to create healthier habits, which include exercise and diet. While it might seem weight loss will be more initially, since you weigh more and just moving burns more calories, if you’re working out, you’re also building muscle tissue. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does, so you’ll be boosting your metabolism. It is not only healthier, but more realistic.

Note your ultimate timeline based on the number of pounds you want to lose each week.

If your goal is to lose 20-pounds and you focus on two pounds a week, your timeline will be 10 weeks, let’s say that date is May 30th. Write down your goal. In the above scenario, it would read, “I will lose 20-pounds by May 30th by exercising for a half hour every day and eating a healthy 1500 calorie diet.” You can then check your progress every week to make sure you’re staying on track.

  • If you’re not happy with your body shape, but you don’t need to lose weight, opt for exercise. Muay Thai and MMA are excellent ways to get your body in shape with a sleek muscular appearance.
  • Take your measurements before you start your workout program and take a picture in a revealing gym outfit. Every month do the same thing at the same time of day. This helps you record your progress, besides using weight loss and can be extremely motivating.
  • Setting goals is not only a good way to achieve weight loss by focusing and tracking on what you want to achieve, it’s good practice for achieving other things important in your life.
  • Realistic goals are the true road maps to success. They not only help you focus and formulate a plan to achieve your goal, when they’re realistic and achievable, they keep you motivated and prevent discouragement.

For more information, contact us today at Garcia Muay Thai

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