
Muay Thai Vs Boxing - What's Right For Me?

Muay Thai Vs Boxing – What’s Right For Me?

One look at the build of the boxers in a Muay Thai vs boxing comparison and you’ll see one big difference. The Mua Thai fighter has a leaner appearance. That’s because the training regimen is different, because the focus is different. Boxers go for strength and speed, while Muay Thai fighters want speed, but focus […]

Get Out Of The Workout Rut

Get Out Of The Workout Rut

The longer you workout, using the same machines or doing the same bodyweight exercises, the closer you come to getting into a workout rut. At one time or another, everyone has felt that, whether it’s a workout rut, a work rut or even a relationship rut where every minute is so predictable that it’s almost […]

The Key Is Balance

The Key Is Balance

At Garcia Muay Thai & MMA Gym in Glen Cove, NY, we help clients balance their training. It’s the basics for any Muay Thai training. There are so many different variables in Muay Thai and MMA training. It’s as much about the mind as it is about the body. It takes all types of training […]

How Running Can Help With Endurance

How Running Can Help With Endurance

How does running or any other cardio workout help you build your endurance? First let’s define endurance. It’s more than just cardio, it’s about the body’s stamina and ability to “endure” long workouts and activities that are physically tasking. It’s about the body being able to take a pounding, from the legs and joints to […]

Muay Thai Changes Your Approach To Life

Muay Thai Changes Your Approach To Life

At Garcia Muay Thai and MMA gym in Glen Cove, NY, people take classes for a variety of reasons. Muay Thai is definitely good to help get you fitter and that’s one of the big motivators. It also is an exceptional tool for self-defense, which is another important reason people study it and participate. There’s […]

Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

If you’re like most people, when you finally decide to lose weight, you want to do it in a few weeks. If you only have a few pounds to lose, that’s possible, but for most people, it’s the weight they gained over years of poor lifestyle habits. In order to maximize your potential to take […]

How Can I Tell If I'm Dehydrated?

How Can I Tell If I’m Dehydrated?

We emphasize proper form, practice and quality training at Garcia Muay Thai & MMA Gym in Glen Cove, NY, but not matter how well you’re trained, if you don’t take care of your body, you simply won’t perform your best. Drinking adequate fluids is extremely important. During training, you’ll lose a lot of fluid and […]

Is Religion Used In Muay Thai?

Is Religion Used In Muay Thai?

There’s a lot of misinformation about Muay Thai. I frequently get questions about whether Muay Thai is a religion or contains religious movements and ceremonies from people who are considering coming to Garcia Muay Thai and MMA Gym in Glen Cove, NY. The answer is simple, “NO.” While Muay Thai is steeped in culture and […]

The Difference Between Muay Thai And Boxing

The Difference Between Muay Thai And Boxing

The translation of the words Muay Thai is Thai boxing, so is Muay Thai similar to the style of boxing seen in America? They both use punches and strikes, hoping to defeat their opponent, but that’s where the similarities end. Something as simple as wearing shoes or boots during a fight is one example. Boxers […]

Is Muay Thai Good For Weight Loss?

Is Muay Thai Good For Weight Loss?

If you’re tired of yo-yo dieting, maybe you should try Muay Thai for weight loss. It’s a good addition to any weight loss program. Muay Thai helps build muscle tissue and burn off fat. While the calories you burn will vary based on the intensity of your moves and your weight, some estimate it could […]